Grief is a process that an individual goes through after experiencing a loss. This can manifest in many ways that can have a profound impact on the individual. No one has the same symptoms as another in the stages of grief.

Grief and bereavement counselling involves talking about the loss, finding a way of living life and coping with the change(s) that come with the loss.  You will receive tools that can create positive and lasting effects on your overall human psyche.

When you are ready, you will experience growth through your grief and find gratitude in who you are becoming. We will pull from your inner strength with powerful, effective coaching tools and exercises to reduce the grief-related pain, fear, stress, anxiety and propel you forward to a fulfilled life of meaning and purpose.

My promise to you as your Grief and Trauma coach is:

I won’t try to fix you … you are not broken.

I won’t try to heal you … you are not sick.

I won’t judge you … you are not to be judged.

I won’t tell you what to do … I will help you take forward-moving action.

I won’t push you … I will challenge you.


Why is Trauma Intervention Needed and Who is it for?

Individuals of all ages experience trauma, including infants and children. Even when we do not consciously recall our trauma experiences (because of our age protective functions such as repression) our body holds memory as does our mind. Trauma is a sensory experience and regardless of the level of perceived intensity of effect on an individual, treatment promotes resilience later in life.


What causes the trauma can be many things, some examples includes:

  • Experiencing abuse, neglect, exposure to domestic violence
  • Separation and Divorce
  • Bereavement
  • Being in foster care
  • Military involvement
  • Brain injury
  • Bullying
  • Moving, change in schools, changes in life circumstances
  • Isolation/lack of healthy attachments
  • Car accidents
  • Adoption
  • Exploitation
  • House fires
  • Any anything else considered to be traumatic by the person experiencing the event

If you are suffering in silence and are afraid to speak up, I am here to walk beside you. You don’t have to go through this alone.

If you are not ready, you can follow me on social media @what_the_world_needs_is_love to receive words of encouragement and daily inspirational messages.

#speakup is the new hashtag, that I have created to spread awareness on social media platforms that together we need to stop suffering in silence and bring awareness to mental health and depression.

I am familiar with the grief and trauma  process and have  made it my mission to help others regain clarity and help them gain empowerment.

We are not our past or experiences, we are all here to live the best life we can live and become the greatest version of ourselves regardless of the hardships we have faced in life!

Book a grief discovery call so that I can understand where you are at today and how we can create a moving forward plan together.
